Emergency Operations Center

During large planned events and emergencies, the University will activate its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and convene the Incident Management Team (IMT). The EOC is activated by the University Emergency Manager and the IMT is staffed by senior public safety officials, senior University leaders and support staff. Experience has consistently revealed that incidents are more effectively coordinated when:
- key leaders are convened and empowered,
- reliable reports are delivered and acted upon in a timely manner and,
- the EOC has the capability to reliably communicate to affected constituents.
ISU's EOC is specifically designed with these themes in mind. While the EOC's primary mission is to support the University's Incident Management Team, the EOC is also used to:
- Serve as a fixed command post where senior public safety officials coordinate planned events
- Host seminars, webinars, tabletop & functional exercises and related drills
- Support video conferencing needs
The EOC is outfitted with various enabling capabilities, including:
- Conference tables supporting 28 personnel, depending on configuration
- Video wall and multiple video displays with inputs including: TV signals, desktop and laptop computers, video conferencing
- Adjacent tactical radio dispatch room with two operator positions
- Interoperable base radios on VHF, UHF, Starcom21 and ISU's MotoTrbo system
- Checkout portable radios
- GIS mapping workstation
- Redundant power, heating, cooling and internet connections