Emergency Call Center

The ECC is activated for emergency incidents that are receiving a high volume of phone calls. The ECC will serve as a critical first line of communications for incoming callers.
The ECC is currently recruiting team members! We are looking for approximately 40 ISU employees who are willing to staff the Emergency Call Center during times of significant campus emergencies. Shifts typically last 4-6 hours and during those times, you would be fielding phone calls from concerned parents, students, employees, Alumni and other constituents who are requesting information about the unfolding emergency.
Besides infrequent activations (estimated at 0-1 per year), you will attend a one-time full-day training session and 2-3 team trainings/meetings per year (approx 1-3 hours each). We are looking for employees who are passionate about helping others during times of distress, who possess good verbal communications skills and who are compassionate listeners. If you are interested or have more questions, please contact Lacey Monterastelli.